All songs written by Jesse and Leah Roberts of Poor Bishop Hooper.
Illustrations by Jeremy Luther.
1. Jesus In the garden
In the garden he waits
For the very moment He has made
Like the face before a fist
Like the eyes before a kiss
It's beautiful anguish
In the garden He prays
That this overflowing cup could pass away
And in this hour of need
If there were ever such a thing
Out of fear I fall asleep
In the garden He bleeds
But a glimpse of the coming sea
And every angel up above
Can not calm the sorrow
When a Father leaves His Son
Oh the hour has come
2. jesus Is Betrayed By Judas
Who is this that comes amidst the shadows in the night?
Swords and spears and one man’s kiss the weapons at their side
His words are empty his lips no more
Do what you have come for
For this is your hour, this is the reign
Of darkness unmentioned, of darkness untamed
Why do you march on Him as though you have met your match?
Twelve legions wait upon Him but His Father holds them back
Choose wise the side you take up in this war
But do what you have come for
For this is your hour, this is the reign
Of darkness unmentioned, of darkness untamed
You ask His Name as though He is some thief you’ve longed to see
His answer short but shakes the air and drags you to your knees
He stood in the temple, He lived upon its floor
Do what you have come for
For this is your hour, this is the reign
Of darkness unmentioned, of darkness untamed
So over and over, His mercies can come
To fly the banner high and victorious
“...swords and spears and one man’s kiss / the weapons at their side...”
3. Jesus is Condemned by the sanhedrin
Why do you come against Me?
Why do you seek false testimony?
I tell you, you will find none
But still you say, 'show us, show us you Son of God'
Two have brought their witness
Saying 'He will destroy He will rebuild in three days'
No words I say could sway you
But still you say by the Living God, 'Show us, show us you Son of God'
What blasphemy what further need
Now tell me people what do you think
He deserves death every bit of it
Oh come and prophesy whose mouth forfeits this
'Show us, show us, show us, show us, show us you Son of God'
'Show us, show us, show us, show us, show us you Son of God'
4. jesus is denied by peter
I said, 'even if everyone else
Turns on You I promise I never will'
I thought You were wrong wrong wrong
Wrong about me
I screamed, 'even if I have to die
I’m never never gonna deny you'
I thought you were wrong wrong wrong
Wrong about me
You used the words of an old gone man
Said 'God will strike the shepherd down'
I know these lines have never been wrong before
But I swear they won’t define me now
I knew you were wrong wrong wrong
Wrong about me
When she asked her question
That servant girl she broke my heart
I knew she was the message
That You had spoken all along
And two behind her followed in the prints her feet had made
Said they’d seen me walking with You, said my tongue gave me away
But I swore against their charges, claimed You I’d never known
Just in time to hear the bird You promised, lift its head and crow
Lift its head and crow
Oh Jesus I wish You were wrong wrong wrong
Wrong about me
5. jesus is judged by pilate
Husband come and hear my plea
I’ve seen this man you keep
He visits me between the walls of my dreams
He comes upon the whitest righteous wings
Do not break do not lose to the roaring round
What they beg of you, what their voices howl
It’s an evil born from their bones, that they don’t know
I see the crowd turn and move as one
They’re fools to follow themselves their fools in what they want
His blood’s upon their hands and on their children’s fate
It wasn’t made to bathe their greed, still it was made for this very claim
Do not break do not lose to the roaring round
What they beg of you, what their voices howl
It’s an evil born from their bones, that they don’t know
I heard you ask what you already know
Where is He from where will he go
It was He who said His kingdom’s not of here
And a throne I cannot see is a throne that I must fear
Do not break do not lose to the roaring round
What they beg of you, what their voices howl
It’s an evil born from their bones, that they don’t know
“...a throne I cannot see / is a throne that I must fear...”
6. jesus is scourged and crowned with thorns
He spoke His preparation
He spoke of this time
Said they will hand Him over
To be mocked to be flogged to be crucified
So they led Him down, to the post He knew
To be tied and bound, to be stripped and bruised
With a scarlet robe wrapped around His frame
They spit insults inside a deserving name
Then the whip falls down oh on His back
You come again with your nine black straps
Oh whip fall down you can have your day
For these stripes will heal, oh these stripes will save
You can strike this Man
You can make Him bleed
But some day you’ll answer
On your knees
Wind those thorns make your cursed crown
While you bind those horns trap a good reason
There’s a sacrifice on the table set
But Abe’s son was spared and the Lord’s He forgets
You can strike this Man
You can make Him bleed
But some day you’ll answer
On your knees
Whip fall down would you make your mark
You have set the stage you are just the start
You have paved the way you are just the start
You have paved the way you are just the start
7. jesus takes up his cross
So he then, handed Him
On to them, to be crucified
They took Him, and He went
Out bearing, His own cross
To the place, called the place
Of the skull, Golgotha
There they crucified Him…
8. jesus is helped by simon of cyrene
Brother Simon of Cyrene
You know not what you mean
You know not what you mean
Chosen from the ranks unknown
Enlisted in an army
The only one worth fighting for
The only one worth fighting for
Lost I’m sure but what you hold
Was made to save the world
No broken tree so beautiful
Water blood the stains to come
But your sweat joins in the mix
Like no others ever did
Like no others ever did
“...chosen from the ranks unknown / enlisted in an army / the only one worth fighting for...”
9. Jesus meets women of jerusalem
Daughters of Jerusalem
Do not weep for Me
Cry for yourselves and your children
Follow on Hosea’s lead
Blessed are those who barren sit
Who’ve never known their children’s screams
They’ll ask the mountains please fall on us
Follow on Hosea’s lead
For terror comes with Roman siege
10. jesus is crucified
Above his head read the charge
'King of the jews’ torn and marred
And they nailed him up as the priests remarked
'Go on and save yourself Man of God’
They took his clothes and they tore apart
As they rolled their dice, as they cast their lots
But what he wore was seamless art
Hidden on the skin of God
Even after all the evil
Even when they raised Him from the ground
As countless weight was laid upon Him
He could only speak the sound
His voice could only cry the sound
'Forgive them they know not what they do'
11. jesus promises his kingdom to the repentant thief
There next to him two unrighteous men
Who’d wasted their lives on their taste for their sins
One spoke with no worry through his dying breaths
With mocking he cried out to Jesus
'Are you not the Christ, are you not the king?
Are you not the man you yourself claimed to be?
Climb down from this tree, kill the men at your feet
And save yourself'
The other said 'have you no fear? This is God whom you speak
The one of us three who hangs underserving
For our sins paint us black by our sins we were cast
Can’t you see this man is white as driven snow
'Lord remember me
When you come into your kingdom'
'Truly I tell you
This very day
You will be with me
In my holy place
In paradise
In paradise forever'
“...climb down from this tree / kill the men at Your feet / and save yourself...”
12. jesus entrusts mary and john to each other
'Mother look upon your son
My dear friend, behold your mother now'
13. jesus dies on the cross
From the sixth hour it came
A darkness like no man had seen
The sun’s light failed and through the black
A voice that held all breathing
As his friends stood distant still
His thirst the wine his pierced side fulfilled
Bowed His Head the Innocent
He left His life and spirit
He cried 'My God My God
Why have You forsaken Me?'
The veil was torn from top to bottom
The tombs opened and the holy ones rose
His murderers saw what they had done
A soldier spoke what he had come too late to know
'Truly this was the Son of God!'
14. jesus is laid in the tomb
Go on brothers lay Him down
Go on brothers lay Him down
Wrap His body with a clean white shroud
Roll that stone leave Him in the ground
Go on brothers lay Him down
Go on sisters cry for Him
Go on sisters cry for Him
But wipe your eyes and dry your skin
The crying will be done in three mornings
Go on sisters cry for Him
Hold on children wait and see
Hold on children wait and see
The death that’s come is a death too weak
Can’t take my Jesus cannot take my King
So hold on children wait and see
Oh Glory Glory won’t you come for me
Glory Glory won’t you come for me
I know your slumber is a momentary sleep
I feel you rising up from the deep
Oh Glory Glory you will come for me